Evidence based library and information practice

Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) or evidence based librarianship (EBL) is the application of the interdisciplinary approach known as evidence-based practice (EBP) to problems in the field of library and information science (LIS). This means that all practical decisions maken within LIS should 1) be based on research studies and 2) that these research studies are selected and interpreted according to some specific norms characteristic for EBP. Typically such norms disregards theoretical studies and qualitative studies and consider quantitative studies according to a narrow set of criteria of what counts as evidence. If such a narrow set of methodological criteria are not applied, it is better instead to speak of research based library and information practice. [1]



Evidence-based practice in general has been characterised as a positivist approach;[2] EBLIP is therefore also a positivist approach to LIS.[3] As such, EBLIP is an approach in contrast to other approaches to LIS. The use of statistical approaches known as metaanalysis to conclude what evidence has been reported in the literature is one among other methods which is typical for the evidence-based approach.

The role of library and information science in EBP

Evidence based practice in general is based on a very thorough search of the scientific literature and a very through selection and analysis of the retrieved literature. A close familiarity with database searching is needed, and library and information professionals have important roles to play in this respect. Therefore LIS-professionals should be well suited to help professionals in other other disciplines doing EBP. EBLIP is the application of this approach on LIS itself. It should be mentioned, however, that EBP started in medicine as evidence-based medicine (EBM) from which it spread to other fields. Only slowly and to a limited extent has EBP moved on to LIS.

See also


  1. ^ Hjørland, Birger (2011). Evidence based practice: An analysis based on the philosophy of science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(7), 1301–1310.
  2. ^ Hjørland, Birger (2011). Evidence based practice: An analysis based on the philosophy of science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(7), 1301–1310.
  3. ^ Hjørland, B. (2005). Empiricism, rationalism and positivism in library and information science. Journal of Documentation, 61(1), 130-155.

Further reading